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APOYANOS Dar esperanza. H elp proporcionar servicios valiosos O ffer una vida mejor a los sobrevivientes EVE (End Violent Encounters) se basa en la generosidad de voluntarios, donantes y empresas y organizaciones del área; con su ayuda continuamos nuestra misión de poner fin a la violencia doméstica y sexual dentro de nuestra comunidad. Sus donaciones nos permiten crear caminos hacia la seguridad para los sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica y sexual y al mismo tiempo abogar por el cambio. Su generosidad le permite a EVE brindar todos nuestros servicios sin costo para los sobrevivientes. PAGS juventud romote programas de prevención Maneras de donar Ofrezca su tiempo como voluntario - Conviértase en voluntario Done artículos de nuestra lista de necesidades Donaciones monetarias (por correo y en línea) AmazonSmiles Patrocinar un evento Asiste a un evento Adopte una familia para Navidad mi nd doméstico y violencia sexual FORMAS DE DONAR EN LÍNEA Distribución mínima requerida (RMD) Donación online Haga clic en la donación en línea botón de arriba para ser redirigido DAMOS LA BIENVENIDA A SU DONACIÓN. ¡GRACIAS!
Planificación de seguridad durante el pedido de estancia en casa Maltrato a personas mayores TEPT complejo Servicios de agresión sexual Consejos de cuidado personal
Director ejecutivo Jonquil Bertschi 517-372-5976 X 113 Director de desarrollo de recursos Joy Whitenburg 517-372-5976 Director de Asistencia de la comunidad Secadora Leah 517-372-5976 X 111 Director de Programas de Refugio Teri Looney 517-372-3382 X 228 Director de consejería Rachel Fraley 517-372-3382 X 222 Director de Servicios Legales Kaitlynn Dwyer 517-483-6500 X 6722 Director de programas de agresión sexual Sara Tunney 517-896-3335 Conoce a nuestro personal
- EVE Materials | EVE Inc
Materiales y piezas educativas de EVE Haga clic en cualquiera de los iconos a continuación para recibir la versión PDF. Folleto de línea de crisis de 24 horas Folleto de mitos y hechos Infografía de abuso de ancianos Infografía de abuso LGBTQ Infografía de violencia entre parejas adolescentes Abuso financiero Infografía Violencia doméstica durante una pandemia Hoja de datos breves Learn About Consent Abuso financiero Infografía Sexual Assault Forensic Exam Brochure
- Internships | EVE Inc
Internship Positions These positions are offered to individuals who are enrolled in a course that requires them to complete an internship or practicum for school cred it. Advocate Intern The purpose of this position is to assist the DV advocacy team with client support through some direct client work. Full Position Description Shelter Advocate Intern The purpose of this position is to assist the SA advocacy team with client support through some direct client work. Full Position Description Community Outreach Intern The Community Outreach Intern plays an active role in strengthening awareness about domestic violence in the community through public speaking and outreach efforts. Full Position Description Legal Intern The Legal Advocacy Intern works with the Legal Advocacy Supervisor to provide information, support, and technical assistance to individuals seeking Personal Protection Orders (PPO’s). May also make appropriate referrals when necessary. Full Position Description To fill out an application and to give us permission to run a background check, click the buttons below. Internship Application Background Check Survivors Deserve Safety & Support Act Now
INVOLUCRARSE Ways to Get Involved with EVE Aplicación individual There are many internship opportunities offered to those seeking internship or practicum credit for school. Click the button above for more details. Tenga en cuenta que cualquier persona que busque una oportunidad que implique trabajar directamente con los clientes debe completar la capacitación para voluntarios que se lleva a cabo tres veces al año. (Enero, mayo y septiembre). Nuestro coordinador de voluntarios trabaja tanto con miembros de la comunidad como con estudiantes que buscan una ubicación para pasantías o prácticas para obtener crédito escolar. Las solicitudes se aceptan de forma continua, pero envíe su documentación lo antes posible para encontrar una ubicación para el próximo semestre. Servicio comunitario There are many ways you can donate to EVE. Click the button above for more details. EVE acepta con gusto a voluntarios de servicio comunitario que necesitan completar horas de prueba o terminar los talleres obligatorios de la corte. Si bien pedimos información confidencial, tratamos a todos los solicitantes por igual y agradecemos la ayuda de aquellos que eligen a EVE como su elección de ubicación. Los voluntarios de servicio comunitario trabajan con nuestro supervisor de instalaciones para ayudar a mantener la seguridad, el saneamiento y el mantenimiento del refugio. Las tareas pueden incluir limpieza leve a moderada, organización de donaciones, jardinería y reparaciones de mantenimiento. Las solicitudes de servicio comunitario se aceptan de forma continua. Community Service Opportunities for individuals seeking to complete court-ordered community service. Solicitud de grupo There are three types of volunteer opportunities offered here at EVE. Click the button above for more details. Individual Opportunities for individuals seeking to provide volunteer services to EVE who are NOT seeking internship credit. Los grupos pueden involucrarse en el programa de Educación Comunitaria participando en concientización pública, divulgación y también pueden trabajar con el Director de Desarrollo de Recursos de EVE para brindar apoyo en las recaudaciones de fondos anuales u organizar un evento propio. También se anima a los grupos a recolectar o crear artículos donados para los programas de EVE. EVE siempre está abierta a ideas creativas y trabajará con las habilidades que aportes para encontrar una excelente ubicación. Contáctenos para averiguar más formas en las que puede ayudar a apoyar a los sobrevivientes. An example of a third-party fundraiser. Neysa and her group collected donations and gifts for EVE through their participation in a fun run! Conozca a algunos que marcan la diferencia Mikayla I enjoy volunteering at EVE because I love doing my part to empower women who are survivors of domestic violence as well as educate the community on important issues like domestic violence, sexual assault, and healthy relationships. Being able to go out in the community and help Leah with planning and participating in events really helps me realize what I want to do in my future while being able to promote positive communities. Yamini I love volunteering with End Violent Encounters because it is a nice placed to make some real impact with some of the most amazing people I have ever met. I’ve learned a lot about myself through volunteering, with children and the survivors, and the more time I spend volunteering with EVE, the more I feel like I am actually making a difference every day, for an issue I am very passionate about.The connections I have made here are amazing, and the reason I keep coming back every week. Aaron I enjoy volunteering with E.V.E because I have a chance to help the often invisible party of a crime, the victim. It also gives me a chance to help my community and learn the justice system.
- TDV | EVE Inc
Violencia entre parejas adolescentes 1 de cada 3 adolescentes experimenta algún tipo de abuso en una relación de pareja Abuso físico El abuso físico es cualquier contacto intencional y no deseado contigo o con algo cercano a tu cuerpo. A veces, el comportamiento abusivo no causa dolor ni deja un hematoma, pero aún así no es saludable. Más de uno de cada 10 estudiantes de secundaria ya ha experimentado alguna forma de agresión física por parte de su pareja, y muchos de estos adolescentes no sabían qué hacer cuando sucedió. Abuso sexual El abuso sexual se refiere a cualquier acción que presiona o coacciona a alguien a hacer algo sexualmente que no quiere hacer. También puede referirse al comportamiento que afecta la capacidad de una persona para controlar su actividad sexual o las circunstancias en las que se produce la actividad sexual, incluido el sexo oral, la violación o la restricción del acceso a anticonceptivos y condones. Es importante saber que solo porque la víctima " no dijo que no ", no significa que quisieran decir" sí ". Cuando alguien no se resiste a un avance sexual no deseado, no significa que haya dado su consentimiento. Algunos piensan que si la víctima no se resistió, eso no cuenta como abuso. Eso no es cierto. Este mito es hiriente porque hace que sea más difícil para la víctima hablar y más probabilidades de que se culpe a sí misma. Ya sea que estuvieran intoxicados o se sintieron presionados, intimidados u obligados a actuar de cierta manera, la agresión / abuso sexual nunca es culpa de la víctima. Haga clic aquí para obtener más información sobre el consentimiento Abuso emocional / verbal El abuso verbal puede no causar daño físico, pero sí dolor emocional y cicatrices. También puede conducir a la violencia física si la relación continúa por un camino poco saludable. Ser criticado constantemente y decirle que no es lo suficientemente bueno hace que pierda la confianza y disminuya su autoestima. Como resultado, puede comenzar a culparse por el comportamiento abusivo de su pareja. Recuerde: el abuso emocional nunca es culpa suya. Habla con alguien en quien confíes, como un padre, un amigo o un maestro, sobre la situación y haz un plan de seguridad . Abuso digital El abuso de citas digitales es el uso de tecnologías como los mensajes de texto y las redes sociales para intimidar, acosar, acechar o intimidar a una pareja. A menudo, este comportamiento es una forma de abuso verbal o emocional perpetrado en línea. En una relación sana, toda la comunicación es respetuosa, ya sea en persona, en línea o por teléfono. Nunca está bien que alguien haga o diga algo que te haga sentir mal, disminuya tu autoestima o te manipule. Pruebas: ¿Soy un buen socio? ¿Mi relación es saludable?
- Meet Our Board | EVE Inc
Meet Our Board Retired, MPHI Stephanie Halfmann Stephanie Halfmann, MS, RD, graduated from Michigan State University with a bachelor’s degree in nutrition, master’s degree in Distance Education and Nutrition. Her primary focus was Women and Children’s health and safety. Stephanie is retired from MPHI as the Director of Affiliate Services. Where she provided administrative direction and leadership to MPHI affiliate staff and clients at the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS). Operations Process Engineer, Jackson Financial Inc. Andrea Marsh As a process engineer, Andrea's focus is concentrated on continuous process improvement for a number of business functions and processes within their Customer Care Center. This includes, but is not limited to, their online digital experience, fraud prevention and product launches. She also collaborates with Operations Leaders and Managers to facilitate change management plans, including training and communications, as well as creates or updates necessary Standard Operating Procedure documentation and resources. Additionally, she partners closely with their process and subject matter experts, helping to support their growth and development. Graduate Program Director, MSU School of Packaging Amy Radford-Popp Dr. Amy Radford-Popp (she/her/hers) is the Graduate Program Director for the School of Packaging and serves as the administrative supervisor of graduate studies, overseeing all components of graduate education, and promoting academic quality and integrity. Her role oversees the full life-cycle of the graduate student experience including: the recruitment of new and prospective students, student support and advising, the promotion of professional identity development, scholarship management, and experiential learning opportunities, to persistence efforts and preparation for graduation. As a liaison between the MSU Graduate School and the Dean's office within the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, she leads the Graduate Education Team for the School of Packaging. With over 30 years of experience in higher education at multiple institutions, Amy has developed leadership, strategic planning, collaboration, coaching, mentoring, career education, and administrative program development experiences. Capitol Fundraising Associates Caitlin O'Rourke Caitlin O'Rourke is a Senior Associate at Capitol Fundraising Associates (CFA), where she manages a diverse portfolio of clients. At CFA, Caitlin provides fundraising and event management for a number of organizations across the state of Michigan, including those addressing hunger, LGBTQIA+ rights, housing, and more. She is a graduate of J.W. Sexton High School and Grand Valley State University with a degree in Political Science. Caitlin has been recognized for her extensive volunteering and commitment to building up other young leaders. She uses this knowledge and experience to help EVE find creative ways to educate the community on the reality of domestic and sexual assault, and to stand with survivors in the Lansing area. Retired, DHHS Harriet Greenstone Harriet Greenstone is a retiree from the State of Michigan, Department of Social Services, and has been supporting and volunteering with EVE since 2003. She joined the board at End Violent Encounters in 2017 and continues to use her tenacity to fiercely advocate for survivors both at the board level and by being a voice in the community advocating for change. Harriet sees serving on EVE’s board as an extension of her life-life work to support women through the hardest points of their lives. She believes in the power of a strong support network and the difference that can be made when you refuse to let someone be isolated and alone. Harriet has shown repeatedly that she is willing and eager to do whatever it takes to support survivors wherever they are in their journey. She is tireless in her work to educate the community on the severity of the problem and how they can help. According to Harriet, “I want anyone that I talk to about EVE to come away knowing that violence is an equal opportunity destroyer. There is no typical victim/survivor and abuse cuts across all socio-economic lines, all races, ages, and genders. It's never acceptable to engage in victim-blaming and the best way to be supportive when needed is to listen, believe and avoid being judgmental.” Attorney, Grewal Law Ayanna D. Neal Ayanna D. Neal joined Grewal Law PLLC as an attorney and Team Leader of the Criminal and Family Divisions after dedicating over fifteen years to representing the people of the state of Michigan in prosecution for Ingham County Prosecutor’s Office. Ayanna began practicing law two years prior to working as a prosecutor and handled child custody, contracts, and estate planning cases. Ayanna holds a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Michigan and Juris Doctor with a concentration in Business Transactions from Thomas M. Cooley Law School and has been practicing law for 19 years. During her work as an assistant prosecutor, she has worked in the family, district, and circuit courts. She has handled thousands of cases and has litigated numerous cases. She handled major drug crimes prosecution in the Ingham County Drug Addiction Response Unit and also handled civil forfeiture cases. She was a special prosecutor for arson cases and she also reviewed criminal sexual conduct cases as part of the Criminal Sexual Conduct Review Team. Ayanna has also served as a special prosecutor for felonious domestic violence crimes and child criminal sexual conduct cases. Financial Advisor, Edward Jones Ben Marciniak-Jennings Ben Marciniak-Jennings is a Financial Advisor for Edward Jones Ben sees EVE as a catalyst for empowerment in the community they provide resources and education to change lives in the local community and he wants to be part of the process. He believes his ability to educate and network throughout the community will help EVE grow and reach a larger audience. He is full of compassion for people, has a wiliness to help, and can resolve to make a difference. Retired, MSU Professor Jenny Bond Jenny is a retired MSU professor who specialized in community nutrition. Spring Forest Counseling & Wellness Amy Champaigne Amy is a clinical social worker, licensed since 2003, specializing in Mental Health, Addictions, and EMDR. Experienced in working with clients struggling with anxiety, depression, trauma, and substance use. Amy is a presenter of trainings on topics such as Domestic Violence, Substance Abuse, Self-Harming Behaviors, Problem Gambling and Stress Management. Amy also provides supervision for limited-license Social Workers and support letters for HRT/other procedures. Amy is a certified Hypnotherapist, a reflexologist, trained in Esoteric and Vibrational Energy Healing, and a Michigan Notary. A graduate of Michigan State University in the Master’s of Social Work program in 2001, and a graduate of Hope College with a Bachelor’s in Social Work in 2000, Amy began working with domestic violence in 2003 as a volunteer with the C.A.R.E. program and as a case manager at the SIREN/Eaton Shelter. Joining the board of EVE, Inc. in 2022, Amy is looking forward to contributing to her community and sharing her clinical skills on a broader level to advocate for survivors and ensure there are resources available when needed and helping to educate the community on the dynamics of power and control. MSU, Associate Professor Hyunkag Cho Hyunkag Cho, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Social Work at Michigan State University. His research is focused on intimate partner violence, prevalence, health outcomes, and help-seeking; and their variations across gender and race/ethnicity. He has primarily used quantitative research methods, such as survey and secondary analysis of national data. He has led several projects, collaborated with domestic and international researchers, and produced several peer-reviewed publications from each project. He teaches for undergraduate, graduate, and PhD students in the areas of theory of social change, community organization, research, and statistics. He worked with the EVE to translate service materials to Korean for the clients who have a limited English proficiency. McNichol, CPA President Peggy McNichol Peggy McNichol, CPA, founder and President of McNichol, CPA PC (ATS Associates) · Married to Hugh for 48 years and counting · Mother of two and grandmother of 4 grandsons · Graduate of Davenport University, B.S., Accounting · Small business owner for more than 20 years I have been fortunate throughout my life to have had supportive parents and a supportive spouse. I know that many people have not. I was very naïve about abuse until a family member, and later a friend, became victims of spousal abuse. I couldn’t help them, other than listening and being there for them, but EVE does help! EVE is there to help victims become survivors. Counsel, Nationwide Financial Kaitlin Reinke, J.D. As a survivor whose situation lended itself to not having access to resources like EVE, Inc. provides, she understands how impactful EVE's resources can be. EVE enables survivors to begin living an independent life and start their healing journey. She is happy to be a Board member because serving an organization that has such a large impact on survivors is incredibly close to her heart and her healing journey. Her legal training and her experience working in large organizations enables her to think critically and see big picture impact. She understands that every single action and decision has downstream impact, and she is able to tackle each situation with a holistic and practical perspective. She hopes that if you have a conversation with her, you will understand that to her, compassion and empathy always come first. She believes her role is to serve and to make others feel heard, seen, and important.
- Advocacy | EVE Inc
Abogacía ¿Qué es un defensor? Un defensor es alguien que "va al bate por usted". ¡Nuestro objetivo es asociarnos con usted en su viaje y ayudarlo a ver su propia fuerza interior a medida que avanza en su viaje de Empoderamiento! ¿Qué puede hacer un defensor? Su defensor lo ayudará a encontrar recursos y le ofrecerá referencias para ayudarlo a lograr sus objetivos de vivienda, asistencia legal, empleo, transporte y asistencia con la compensación de víctimas del crimen. Su defensor lo ayudará a desarrollar un plan de seguridad, establecer metas, lo ayudará a navegar por el sistema legal y lo acompañará a las comparecencias judiciales relacionadas. Tipos de promoción que se ofrecen en EVE: Defensa residencial (clientes que se alojan en un refugio) Defensa no residencial (clientes en toda la comunidad) Abuso en etapas posteriores de la vida Defensa Defensa legal Defensa de la agresión sexual Defensa médica Nuestros servicios de defensa se adaptan a las necesidades de cada sobreviviente. USTED establece sus propios objetivos y díganos qué podemos hacer para apoyar su viaje. Creando caminos hacia la seguridad y oportunidades para sanar. "A través de los años de trabajar primero con sus servicios residenciales y luego con sus servicios no residenciales, me he convertido en una mujer independiente de voluntad fuerte que tiene una autoestima y autoestima muy altas. Ya no estoy rota ni asustada. Gracias a el apoyo y los servicios de EVE ". - Cliente de EVE
- Sparrow SANE Program | EVE Inc
Forensic Nurse Examiner (FNE) Program EVE has partnered with Sparrow hospital in Lansing to provide medical advocacy during SANE exams. The goal of the sexual assault nurse examiner program is to provide free coordinated, timely, comprehensive, and compassionate care to pediatric and adult victims of sexual assault 24 hours a day. If you are in need of an exam you can call EVE's crisis line at 517-372-5572 or go to the Sparrow Emergency Department and the nurse at the desk will page the appropriate nurse on call. If you have any other questions please call 517.364.3931 . Nurses Who Care DNA evidence can drastically increase the likelihood that a perpetrator will be held accountable. So we are fortunate here in Lansing to have Forensic Nurse Examiners on staff at Sparrow Hospital to give survivors the option of an exam after an assault. Coordinated Advocacy SANE program nurses work collaboratively with police, prosecutors, child protective services, and community advocacy services to provide the best and most appropriate care. Empowered Strength-Based Approach EVE and Sparrow have partnered together to provide an empowerment-based approach for survivors. The survivor decides how they would like to proceed each and every step of the way.