Nuestra historia
Fundado en 1977, el Consejo Contra el Asalto Doméstico (CADA) comenzó con un grupo de miembros de la comunidad preocupados que querían ayudar a mantener a su familia, amigos y vecinos. El Consejo Contra el Asalto Doméstico creció para incluir el primer refugio de violencia doméstica de Lansing y servicios de apoyo para sobrevivientes y sus hijos. En los últimos años, CADA cambió su nombre a EVE (End Violent Encounters) para reflejar los servicios integrales de EVE a los sobrevivientes.
Hoy, End Violent Encounters ha crecido para brindar servicios de apoyo como defensa, defensa médica, consejería, intervención en crisis, programas para niños y educación comunitaria para sobrevivientes de muchas formas de violencia, incluyendo abuso doméstico, sexual, acecho y ancianos.
Apoyar a los sobrevivientes de abuso doméstico y sexual en su viaje de curación y empoderar a nuestra comunidad a través de la educación y la conciencia.
EVE, End Violent Encounters es una organización sin fines de lucro 501 (c) 3 que brinda servicios de apoyo a sobrevivientes de violencia doméstica y sexual, acoso y abuso de ancianos.
PO Box 14149 Lansing, MI. 48901
Admin Office: 517-372-5572
Los programas EVE utilizan un enfoque sin prejuicios, de apoyo y basado en las fortalezas. Están centrados en el cliente y se ofrecen a todos, independientemente de su raza, religión, etnia, nacionalidad, orientación sexual, identidad o expresión de género, capacidad, ingresos, estado civil, edad y condición de veterano. No es necesario que viva en los condados de Clinton, Eaton o Ingham para recibir servicios.
Vivir la vida empoderada

This website is supported by Grant Numbers 16.575, 93.671, 93.716, 16.017 from the Administration for Children and Families/Family Violence Prevention and Services Act Program within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the Family Violence Prevention and Services Act Program.
Los cuatro pilares del empoderamiento
EVE recognizes and honors the intersectionality of the survivors we work with every day. Every survivor is unique, and each has a unique confluence of identities and experiences that have shaped who they are. We go with them on their healing journey and empower them in becoming the people they hope to become. It would be a disservice to our mission, our survivors, and the community that has embraced us, for staff, volunteers, or board members to lack diversity. In diversity there is strength.
EVE strongly believes an agency can only best serve survivors if its staff reflects the survivors and the community it serves.
EVE invites people of diverse backgrounds, such as race, national origin, age, gender, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, ability level, mental health status, height, and weight to make application to join our agency in the valuable work of empowering survivors and putting an end to domestic and sexual violence, stalking, and elder abuse. EVE strongly encourages LGBTQIA2+, minority, non-traditional, and all historically underrepresented candidates to make applications as well.
EVE is committed to continuing to evaluate and refine its hiring practices and agency policies to foster and maintain an authentic, appreciative, inclusive, and diverse work environment where all staff and volunteers know their value as employees, and most importantly, as human beings. EVE pledges to give all staff, interns, and volunteers the tools and support they need to be successful, resilient, and content, and pledges to ensure that physical, mental, or emotional health needs are heard and respected.